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The Reverant

Tis.Is.My.Life.My.Style.My.Way. If.You.Dun.Lyke.It.Get.Out.Go.Away.
I'm just a normal guy.Mix of Malay & Chinese.Idol would be Zacky.V
Kicks candles on 27 April
Schooling in Yuying Sec
Plays the Guitar;
Single / Attached



Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Time: 11:18 AM
Title: Revive!!!

Wow,after so long i decided to revive my blog again.haha,got this sudden urge to blog..haha.

Ok,i will start with my life now..currently it's a school holiday for me but i

hate it because it is so boring and i feel so lifeless shit..hahaha.

Finally school is starting next week but i seriously can't wait no more but the bad thing is i haven't
done any of my homeworks which im supposed to do...damn..haha.

Damn,i hate my hair now..it's so so so irritating..i wanna trim it but im lazy to go cut..haha.

Currently im still single,haha...People say once you go to a new school,you will get a girlfriend but
i think thats crap..hahaha..although i have seriously fall in love with this girl..(and she knows)..haha but it takes time to build trust but i trust her completely..hahaha

Speaking of soccer..damn world cup..i dont wish to talk about world cup.tsk

And now,random gays have been adding me up in tagged,im like wtf...they asked for my mobile number and etc...i ignore them,i thought they were girls but i was WRONG...wtf..weird world isnt it..?

will blog soon..
As i look up at the stars,i think about what i have done during the past...
reflect people,reflect.=)

Friday, May 21, 2010
Time: 7:30 AM

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Time: 10:30 AM
Title: My Ultimate Goal..

hie people,its been a long time since i last blog.Well firstly i've been accepted in ITE Simei..haha..im seriously looking foward to start school.Cant take anymore boredness..haha.

So today i wanna blog about this stuff which has been in my mind for quite some time.Its about my habit.I like to lie to my friends.I always told them that i will come but then i didn't.I feel bad,yeah i really do but there are simple reasons that i can't talk about.

Hmm i feel that i must change myself.Although it will take a long time for me to achieve the result,i will try.So for people who thinks i won't make it then suits yourself..im trying my best..this is sincerely from my heart.I apologise for everything that i've done to you guys...If i suceeded then i sure you guys won't regret in having me as a friend.=)

Friday, January 29, 2010
Time: 7:00 PM
Title: RANDOM...........

My life nowdays have been quite boring because now im jobless again and im dying to get a new job..whatever it takes...i want a damn job...badly..ok..now im waiting for DAE result to come out on 5 Feb...im so scared...i hope and pray that poly with take me in as one of their student..

Im addicted to snickers....yeah...next week is pay day....can't wait to get my hands on that mercurial vapor soccer boots..ahh...so hot...haha..

anyway,i learn a new guitar technique last week...its call Legato technique..now im quite good at it...cool or wat...it makes ur fingering much more easier but damn..my pinky finger is hard like rock...its time to train it using ninja warrior style...haiyakkk!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Time: 5:33 PM
Title: Sometimes you cant get what you want in life but u must not give up yet...

1st.Hey people..its been so long since i post..haha...my blog not dead you know..hhaha...ok..first lets talk abt my result...i didnt expect my result to turn out like this but i did ok only-_-...apply thru DAE cause there no way i can go poly thru JAE......

2nd.i got my pay the other day and seriously i spent all of it like a killing spree and now im kinda broke-_-

Friday, January 1, 2010
Time: 4:59 AM
Title: Cool yet weird...

hey...how are u guys...wish you guys a happy new year...so today i wanna blog about the things that happen during 31st december 2009...while i was working at uniqlo ion,i was supposed to be incharge of the fitting room..and guess wat..something unexpected happen...a japanese model,so hot and talented came to the shop..at first i didnt know it was her..then i realised its her with her husband....i was like super shock..it was her all along...Leah Dizon.

Its a waste cause i never get to take a photo with her..damn....
Then after that my friends came and ask me to tagged along with them..then i just follow...there were like 9 of us..haha..we walk around orchard....went to see some local gig with the singer like Mr.Danny and the lead guitarist is a girl...how cool is that...then went to fort canning park where i met irah again...grrr..haha...it was kinda scary there...so after walking there...we decided to go to go down...then we noticed a few groups of drunken men chasing us...they we're carrying some bottle and seriously they wanna whack us...its was like kinda scary but yeah ,we managed to run away from it thanks to our dear friend Heede.so yeah slack till mrt open and then went home..ok then sleep for like 4 hours and then woke up and went to jb..after doing some shooping went back home...then online msn and guess wat...hhaha...i cant believe we're together back..ahaha...i love you so much...miss you.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Time: 8:46 PM

Wow,in just a few days..its gonna be a new year....i still cant think of a new year resolution...great...
hmmm...im kinda sad cause one of my favourite band drummer had died recently...

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